, pub-8281854657657481, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Osho Philosophy Hindi: September 2024


SwitchCode list

 SwitchCode list

Sell dishwasher 


Write this code with blue pen on your dishwasher

 Owner searching tenant 31848561

 Tenant searching House on Rent 371491

Use Red Ink Pen chant 21 times a day

I struck in my office work not able to concentrate plz give me swich number to over come and prove myself in my career ( which I can write every day on my hand)

 You can chant *DURANT DEV*

 Any switchword for someone to shed ego, realise their mistake, apologise and start afresh in the relationship.. have not been on talking terms since long

Self healing code


Use this code your left body part with blue pen


To get unblocked by a person in social media


Get unblocked from WhatsApp

 And if there is any number for him to realise his mistake, apologise and start afresh in the relationship


Chant many many times daily with intention in mind. No rules.